At Captain Up, we understand the power of social interactions in cultivating engagement. We help you connect your user base through dynamic features, fostering a sense of community
  • Leaderboards: Encourage competition and showcase top performers.
  • Avatars: Enable personal expression and a sense of belonging.
  • Activity Feed: Provide real-time community updates.
  • Status Updates: Promote sharing of progress and experiences.

Social Features

Boost engagement with real-time, segmented Leaderboards, Activity and Social feeds. Foster user identity and sense of belonging with Avatars, User Profiles, and Status Updates, while allowing users to track their Progress


What sets us apart is our powerful integration capacity. We harness unified customer data from diverse sources such as CRMs, Service Clouds, and Data Warehouses, enabling you to design highly personalized and effective campaigns



What is a community feed?

A community feed displays users' activities in a specialized format, ranking user actions on a leaderboard. It bolsters a sense of community, encourages friendly competition, and showcases user activities based on their specific preferences

Why use a community feed?

Integrating our Community feed into your site is a straightforward way to enhance user retention and engagement. The Activity feed captures recent user actions in real time, such as liking pages or tweeting about your content, giving a vibrant snapshot of your community's pulse. You can present a comprehensive feed to all users, or customize feeds for individual users based on their activities. Our leaderboard recognizes your most engaged users and fosters a positive competition, motivating users to interact more and climb higher in rankings

How do I set up the community feed?

Setting up both the Activity feed and Leaderboard is simple with our widgets. Our Activity widget displays your users' latest activities. You can select which actions to showcase to all users and which to include in personalized feeds. The Leaderboard Widget automatically updates to highlight the top users in your app based on the number of points they've earned over a specified period