Effective Communication

Live Notifications: Keep your players in the loop with real-time notifications, ensuring they never miss out on the action.

  • Inbox: Deliver direct messages right to their personal inbox.
  • Notifications: Keep users informed with timely updates.
  • Media & Hyperlinks: Enrich communications with relevant media and hyperlinks.
  • Event Triggered: Engage users with automatic messages based on their actions

Our dynamic communication tools help you provide an engaging and immersive experience for your players

Effective Communication

Interact with your customers at the most opportune moments. Utilize real-time, trigger-based messaging to deliver the right message at the right time, fostering deeper engagement.


Captain Up empowers brands to curate a tailored user journey. Schedule targeted campaigns segmented according to user behavior and link rewards with actions. Offer personalized challenges, promotions, and events to cultivate an unforgettable user experience.

How it looks

Frequently asked questions

What is Captain Up’s Messaging Feature?

Captain Up's Messaging feature is a dynamic tool designed to deliver real-time, trigger-based events, ensuring consistent and holistic communication with your users. This feature offers in-app inbox messages, notifications, and indications, all tailored to provide a personalized touch.

Each message can be segmented by specific populations or actions, allowing you to reach the right user at the right time. Moreover, the messaging feature enables customization with unique images, texts, translations, and links, giving you the flexibility to communicate in a way that best resonates with your audience.

Why Do I Need Captain Up Messages?

Captain Up's messaging feature helps you stay connected with your users in real-time through diverse and innovative channels. By sending notifications and event indications, you can keep your users constantly informed about their progress, updates, and pending rewards, thereby enhancing their engagement.

Our messaging feature offers full customization, from images and text to fonts, ensuring each message aligns with your brand and appeals to your audience. Moreover, our in-app inbox messages create a seamless communication experience by eliminating the need for users to switch between different channels, resulting in prolonged site engagement.

How can I use Messages?

Captain Up's advanced communication mechanisms empower you to interact directly with your users through real-time messaging.
Here's how you can harness our messaging feature:
Welcome new users with a personalized badge and message, creating a positive first impression and encouraging ongoing engagement.
Deliver customized inbox messages to individual users or in bulk, either by selecting the users directly or by uploading a CSV file of your target audience.
Keep users informed and engaged by sending notifications about new events, prompting increased activity, and reminding them to claim their rewards.
Segment your messages based on Captain Up’s rule engine to ensure automated, tailored notifications and congratulations.
Enhance your messages with different currency rewards and engaging imagery.

Use Captain Up’s in-app inbox or integrate our messaging settings with your own platform. With these capabilities, you can foster a dynamic and engaging communication strategy that drives user retention and loyalty.